Best Crossbows for Tree Saddle Hunting

What stands out. What stood up. Our staff picked the best crossbows for Tree Saddle hunting.

Sinister 430 –

  • The Sinister with an integrated crank system is fully adjustable, from its bullpup stock, foregrip, string stops, cheek comb and buttstock allowing you to tailor fit this bow to the user.  
  • Power and speed from a compact and maneuverable 9” frame when cockled , the Sinister 430 delivers 164 foot-pounds Ke and 430 fps.
  • The Sinister 430 provides an exceptional blend of speed, power and repeatability when hunting from a saddle. 
  • See crossbow specs

Wrath 430 –

  • Designed for close quarters hunting and ultimate stealth, the CenterPoint Wrath 430 aggressively amps up the speed with 430 FPS and deadly accuracy in the smallest crossbow CenterPoint has made.
  • When you have dialed in your favorite saddle location or stand, or the need arises to relocate on the fly to outfox a change in wind direction, this bullpup crossbow tightens your profile and keeps you nimble.
  • See crossbow specs

AT400 -

  • AT400 composite crossbow from CenterPoint Archery is sure to hit its mark, not only with its a performance but also its price. 
  • A full composite stock and rail system provides a lightweight but solid back bone for this crossbow allowing you to carry less weight on these long packs in.             
  • Quick , light and deadly.
  • See crossbow specs

Must watch - Crossbow Tree Saddle Hunting Video

Bear hunt from a tree saddle ain’t easy. But our crossbows get it done!